Seagrass for eternal youth

 The sea is relaxing in all seasons, but especially in summer when we can swim … If you have ever gone swimming in the area of the coastal road, you have run into Posidonia oceanica. It is a sea plant that resembles grass, so some call it seagrass. This seagrass, however, is very special: it is present only in the Mediterranean Sea, absorbs carbon dioxide (even more than trees!), and releases oxygen. That’s why we also call it “lungs of the Mediterranean.” Posidonia protects a large number of marine microorganisms. The underwater meadow of Posidonia in the area by the former coastal road between Izola and Koper is part of the European Natura 2000 network. It is an important ecological area with a natural value of national importance.  

Dr. Ana Rotter is a researcher at the Marine Biological Sation Piran - NIB, and in her work, she encounters various secrets of the sea and marine life. She’s particularly interested in microorganisms, as this is a relatively unknown area, especially regarding their positive effects on human life. She believes that thorough studies of microorganisms may lead to new medication, better active ingredients in cosmetics, and even dietary supplements.

Ana let us in on a special Posidonia secret: not only is this seagrass an oxygen factory, but it’s also becoming more popular in the beauty industry …  

A while ago, researchers from Sicily collected Posidonia that got washed up on the shore. They sent it to laboratories and began using it to create cosmetic products. “I’m using a cream made from Posidonia right now!” Ana told us with a smile.  


Watch the video.

Dr. Ana Rotter

Giving new life to the wires of the old Izola vineyards

Take a walk through the old town centre of Izola and you will be impressed at every step by the unique charm of the narrow stone-paved streets and many attractions. One of the more charming places is undoubtedly Ljubljanska Street, where you can feel the artistic atmosphere of Izola.  Sandra Kocjančič, a jewellery designer who has created a crossroads of tradition and contemporary art in this street, welcomed us in her gallery named Drat.

“The word »drat« in our dialect means wire. Wires are used in vineyards. The wired that I have used for the installation in the gallery are from vineyards. They were old and useless, and I gave them a new look.”

The jewellery in the gallery is closely related to the environment in which Sandra lives and tells stories about people, the sea, and nature. According to her, Izola is an inspiring place where everyone finds something for themselves. It was recognized as such also by world-renowned jewellery designers who visited Izola during the Filo Rosso project. Among them was the fashion icon Agata Ruiz de la Prada, who is used to the hustle and bustle of Paris and New York, but was fascinated by Izola.

Watch the video and feel the artistic atmosphere of Izola.

Sandra Kocjančič, jewellery designer

For a good harvest, you need love

Izola is characterized especially by the sea and delicious seafood. Its obligatory accompaniment is also the fresh local vegetables, grown by farmers on Istrian soil. The seasonal market Ruba sz moje njive (Stuff from my field), which is part of the Zero Kilometre initiative, has been present for several years. The initiative encourages local restaurateurs to use locally-grown seasonal produce. You might even run to chefs from your favorite restaurants while shopping at the market.

However, you will meet Brigita from the Barbo Farm as she is there every week. She let us in on the secret of a good harvest. The Barbo Farm has been dedicated to agriculture for years. They are happy to have a good location with a favourable climate, they would just like to have a little more rain in the summer. They are extremely happy to produce enough food for themselves and to be able to sell it, as home-grown fresh vegetables are an indispensable part of a quality diet. She and her husband hope that the new generations will continue to nurture the love for the land.

Support the initiative of Kilometre Zero: »From field to plate« by visiting the seasonal market Ruba sz moje njive (Stuff from my field) until the end of this month.

Do you want to know Brigita's secret? Watch the video.

Brigita Barbo, Barbo Farm

Izola's fishermen have the most luck

The Levante fish market in Isola offers daily fresh fish, caught by the local fishermen, as well as farmed fish and shellfish. They are a family business, led by passion for excellent food. Their story began in 2009 when Tina Steffè Božnik took over the business, while her dad, Fabio Steffè managed the fishing boat Levante – their fish market is named by the fishing boat. The Steffè family is the only old family from Koper with a fishing tradition. Grandpa Vittorio Steffè (Ciacio) was a fisherman since 1925 and his wife, grandma Giuseppina Steffè (Pina) sold fish at the market in Koper.

»The secret of a good catch depends on many factors: weather, sea currents and the temperature of the sea. I think the biggest factor is luck and in my opinion, Izola's fishermen have the most luck.«

You can find out more about the fishing tradition here.

Tina Steffè Božnik, fish market Levante

What matters is the guest's happiness

Hotel Delfin is located by the sea, directly above the Izola Marina, here you can fill your lungs with fresh air and admire the wonderful colors of the sea during the sunset. They have been welcoming guests for more than 35 years and next year they will celebrate 40 years of the hotel's opening. Perfect temperatures and a pool allow the hotel to operate throughout the whole year. In the Kneipp garden of medicinal plants and herbs you will find peace, which we all need in the fast tempo of our lives. Daša Ždrnja from Hotel Delfin told us that their secret is that they have good guests that are happy to return to their hotel year after year.

Do you want to find out more? Watch the video.

Daša Ždrnja, Hotel Delfin

Do you know what the secret of good food is?

Restaurant Gušt is well known in Slovenia, and as the owner Dimitrij Korpnik told us, they are known for their excellent cuisine. One of their best-selling specialties is pizza. On top of that, they are the only ones to take care of locals and visitors at sea. According to the customers, speed is their virtue. In recent years nautical tourism has been expanding, and our vision is to spread delivery at sea to the entire Slovenian coast.

»The secret of our good food is that you can enjoy it in good company and beautiful surroundings.«

Click here to view the secret.

Dimitrij Korpnik, Gušt