Izola enters the fall at summerlike pace
In August, Izola was visited by 30.128 guests, with a total of 125.864 overnight stays. Compared to the previous year, this represents a 3 % increase in the number of guests and a 6 % increase in overnight stays. A third of all overnight stays were realized in hotels and one third in apartments. The largest increase in arrivals and overnight stays was registered in the latter, where we recorded a 35 % higher number of tourists than last year.
In August, 82 % of guests were Slovenian, which is 74 % more than last year. Germans took first place among foreign guests, followed by Austrians, Italians, and others. Arrivals from foreign markets dropped by 60 % in comparison to the previous year.
From January to August, there were 77.018 arrivals and 308.853 overnight stays recorded in all accommodation units in Izola. Compared to last year, this represents a 29 % decrease in the number of arrivals and a 24 % decrease in the number of overnight stays. In this period, 81 % of overnight stays were made on the Slovenian market. The largest number of overnight stays was made in hotels, followed by apartment complexes, campsites, and other accommodation units. Privately owned accommodation, which includes apartments, is the only accommodation category where we cumulatively recorded more overnight stays than in the previous year. Germans, Austrians, and Italians predominate among foreign guests, but to a much lesser extent than in 2019, as tourist visits from abroad decreased by 68 %. The average length of stay in 2020 was extended from 3.7 to 4.0 days.
According to the Financial Administration data, 25.143 tourist vouchers in the total value of 3.853.337 EUR were redeemed in Izola by 23 August 2020, which puts Izola in 4th place among all Slovenian municipalities in terms of the number of redeemed vouchers.

Izola is (becoming) blue-green
In August, the Tourist Board Izola actively participated formulating a draft for the strategy for the development of tourism in Izola from 2021 to 2025, which was prepared by the Municipality of Izola.
The document was prepared in collaboration with Tourist Board members, as well as other significant participants in the field of tourism. The draft was prepared taking into consideration all previous strategic documents, analysing the current situation in Izola (what it has to offer, who are its visitors), discussing what steps have already been taken for development and raising quality, what is considered to be good practice, what can be further improved, and mostly, where does Izola want to be in the future in terms of tourism.
In the draft, Izola follows mainly sustainable, green, active, and healthy tourism, with an emphasis on nature, boutique offer, and 5-star experiences. Izola will continue to focus on the fishing tradition, from which it stems, cultural heritage, and local flavors, ensuring at the same time that it remains a safe destination. The strategy thus defines the guidelines that the tourism sector in Izola and the local community will follow in the future. The goals and the means of achieving them will be further defined in the action plan, which will also be a part of this essential document.
Days of Cod Invite to taste delicious cod dishes
Days of Cod are the second in the series of Izola culinary campaigns and will invite you to Izola from 12 until 27 September. With the initiative, which includes restaurateurs from Izola, the Tourist Board takes care of the promotion of Izola as a culinary destination, while encouraging the involved providers to use fresh and locally-sourced ingredients.
The culinary campaigns are a vital part of the Kilometre Zero initiative, which preserves the importance of using locally-sourced produce in the minds of Izola's caterers and inhabitants, offering an authentic culinary experience. During the culinary campaigns, the Tourist Board takes care of the promotion, so that as many people as possible can experience the culinary adventure.

Digitalized cultural heritage of Izola
As part of the Izola – Digital Island project, co-financed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, and the European Regional Development Fund, Tourist Board Izola will digitalize three immovable cultural heritage sites, develop new 5-star experiences, and strengthen professional competences of employees in the tourism industry. The project will be concluded by October 2021. The first digitalization activities, which is the most extensive part of the project, have already begun in early September in the Besenghi degli Ughi Palace and in the Archaeological Park in the San Simon Bay. In addition to the aforementioned, another digitalized spot will be the historical town centre. Everything will be available for visitors online and in a mobile application. Tourist Board Izola is planning as many as 7 educational workshops for providers of larger accommodation units and restaurant services.

Izola wins the online part of My Country – Beautiful and Hospitable contest
Every year, the Tourist Association of Slovenia organizes the campaign My Country – Beautiful and Hospitable, in which both the general public and the expert committee chose the most beautiful larger city, the most beautiful tourist place, and the most beautiful health resort town. With its varied offer of experiences available throughout the year, hospitality, and clean appearance, Izola has achieved great success online, collecting a total of 3287 votes, leading by 2001 vote before the second-ranked Bovec and Čezsoča. The final winner will be announced between 12 and 14 October at the Days of Slovenian Tourism.