Concert: Uros Perić in Oto Pestner
Location: Cultural Centre Izola
Organizer: CKŠP Izola
Time: 8.00 pm
Entrance fee: 20 - 25 €
The concert will reveal the real connection between two giants of the Slovenian music scene with the lyrics and stories of world music legends. Is Oto really a relative of Elvis Presley? Shaila Raye Charles, daughter of the legendary Ray Charles, once said that Uroš is the living reincarnation of her father. This intimate Concert for the Soul will present who Oto and Uroš really are in the best possible way. A musical experience is ahead. An evening of exceptional musical talent, beautiful melodies, moving lyrics and memories.
Oto Pestner probably needs no introduction. His work with the New Swing Quartet is renowned both at home and abroad. It is perhaps worth mentioning that he recorded his first compositions at the age of twelve in the studio of Radio Celje and won the Slovenian Pop Song Contest with fifteen of them. In his 45 years of performing, Oto Pestner has given some 10,000 concerts in Slovenia, the Soviet Union, Austria, Germany, the USA, Croatia, Poland, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Ireland, adding to his knowledge and talent a truly remarkable wealth of experience.
Uroš Perič was first recognised in the USA and then came to Slovenia. The great Ray Charles had a great influence on his piano playing and singing expression. The daughter of this legendary American composer and singer, Shail Ray Charles, once said that Uroš was a living reincarnation of her father.
Presale: 20 €
On the day of the event: 25 €
Tickets are available for pre-sale at the Alga Gallery and TIC Izola during office hours.