Revealing the little green secrets of the locals
Mojca and Klemen were exploring Izola at the start of the summer. We – the locals – secretly observed them. We were happy when we ran into them in the alleys, on the beaches and even in the countryside. However, they didn’t know how to handle some situations, so we figured they needed our help. After all, we know best how to enjoy Izola to the fullest and take care of our town to keep it beautiful and authentic for future generations. We had a lot of fun helping them, that’s why we decided to share some stories with you.
The stories reveal some green tips for a carefree and relaxing summer in Izola. Well, we weren’t always right either! There were a few situations when Mojca and Klemen had to remind us how things should be done. Now, let’s stop rambling and continue with our stories …
From parking lots to fields, to nature's treasures, viewpoints and souvenirs.
We have compiled TOP 10 little green secrets or tips. By clicking on each of them, you'll encounter some laughter and fun, mainly provided by Mojca and Klemen. After that, you'll find some super useful tips to make your summer in Izola as relaxing as possible:
- 1. Visiting the town center by car – yes, or no? Do you already know the answer?
Click on the link and check if you are correct!
2. Can seashells become souvenirs? Watch the story to see if you’ll continue collecting them in the future.
3. Is the nature in Izola a free-for-all toilet? This one is highly educational and fun!
4. You give and you get, right? Do you know where in Izola second-hand items get a new life?
5. “I can sit on top of a hill and talk about how I feel …” Does this ring a bell?
Find out more about professing love on viewpoints.
6. Don’t hop over fences, come on over to the market “Stuff from my field!” Do you already know what we are talking about? If you don’t, check it out.
7. Do you feel like having a glass of excellent water? Always! Do you know our magical elixir?
We’re going to tell you more here.
8. Can we enjoy a picnic on the beach? Hmm, yes and no! The rules are perfectly clear.
9. Where in Izola can we zone out while listening to birds chirping? There are many spots to do that.
We are going to reveal them in the next story.
10. How do we take care of cultural heritage? You surely already know, but …
Which green secret is your favorite?